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Questions You’ll encounter (and Should Ask) in Your Next Tech Interview

Questions to Expect in Your Next Tech Interview

Let’s face it – tech interviews are notoriously difficult. Not only do you have a slew of technical questions to answer, but you’ll also deal with the traditional situational inquiries such as, “Tell me about a time…” and details about your work history.   

And the more senior the position, the more complex the interview questions are. As long-time recruiters for the tech industry, we’ve found three questions you’re almost sure to encounter. Preparing yourself with thoughtful responses could give you a unique advantage in your next tech interview. But first, one key takeaway to remember:  

Basic Takeaways to Remember  

The most important thing to remember is that the interview process is not just a formality to get to the next step of the process. Instead, it’s a two-way conversation to discover as much about each other as possible.   

You have a key opportunity to interview the hiring manager and learn everything you can about their company. The best way to have a valuable and productive discussion is to know your stuff and to be comfortable and confident in your answers so you can be present in the conversation and not distracted trying to predict what you’ll be asked next.   

3 Questions You’ll Encounter in Your Tech Interview   

1) Something “random” that demonstrates your process for critical thinking.   

For example, “How many water balloons can you fit inside a Toyota Corolla?” Yes, these questions are infamous in tech job interviews because managers want to see how you answer an odd question critically.   

Your reasoning is more important to them than your actual response. Remember, no one really knows the correct answer, so walk them through your process as you develop your solution.   

2) What is the best book (or article) you’ve read lately?  

This question can stop an otherwise-prepared candidate in their tracks. Hiring managers want to see that you’re hungry for growth and knowledge, and they’re probably also trying to learn more about your interests.   

An interview might not be the right time to bring up a politically charged or controversial book. Not a big reader? Discuss a movie you’ve seen lately or an article that caught your attention as you scrolled through LinkedIn. The key is to take an open-ended question and run with it.  

3) Why should we hire you?  

This can be a deceptively simple question. It can be your best opportunity to demonstrate active listening skills by making your answer a culmination of the main discussion points of the interview. But perhaps most tricky of all is to craft a response that is both self-promoting and focused on your prospective employer and how you plan to help them grow their business and become more profitable.  

Try breaking your answer down into two or three main points from either the job description or the interview and show how you’re uniquely positioned to help.  

For example, perhaps you discussed remote work options at length in the interview. As you build a case for why they should hire you, your response to that portion of the interview might be how, with your work habits and personality, you’ll be able to accomplish your best work with a high degree of efficiency at home. Then bring it back to the business, how a higher caliber of work that costs less and takes less time will support the overall business goals. 

3 Specific Questions That Impress Tech Interviewers  

1) What are the company’s plans for future growth?   

Asking this question demonstrates that you’re looking to position yourself as a long-term asset to the company. Be prepared to listen to what they have to say. You could offer a well-informed contribution that will help them see you and your skills as the key to their future growth.   

2) Can you describe opportunities to further my tech or leadership skills?  

Take a moment to describe your ability to learn and develop new skills on-the-job and how you’re looking to continue building your experience with a win-win mindset for you and your next employer. Or, if that doesn’t sound like you, describe how you plan to learn and grow with the company to further its business objectives.    

3) Tech capabilities aside, which soft skills would you like to see someone demonstrate in this role?  

Some leadership roles focus on managing people. Others may fall more into the project or product management category, where you’ll home in on managing outcomes and delivering results. Whatever the demands of the role, you’ll make an impression by allowing the hiring manager the opportunity to describe the soft skills that will be critical to the position and success in their unique work culture.  

For example, some leaders want someone with a take-charge attitude, while others prefer a more diplomatic collaborator. You can get to the bottom of what they’re looking for by asking how someone in their company successfully handled a difficult situation or how their most valuable team members perform.  

Prepare for Your Next Tech Interview with WideNet Consulting   

At WideNet Consulting, we are your advocate in the tech industry. We’ve helped countless candidates prepare for and ace critical interviews that led to their dream jobs.   

We can help you find the role that is right for you and work with you so you can feel confident and prepared for your next tech interview. Contact WideNet Consulting today