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Top Questions Entry-Level Tech Talent Should Be Asking in Interviews—Part 1

Click here to read WideNet Consulting’s latest blog about the top questions entry-level tech talent should be asking in interviews.
Interview for entry level tech 2

Tech talent has never been in higher demand. That is especially true for entry-level tech talent.

As an entrance-level job seeker in tech, you’ll be interviewing for the role that is going to kick off your career. To help you start it off right, our team at Widenet Consulting put together a list of questions that will help you narrow in on the role that’s right for you, the benefits you want, with the employer that fits you best.

This is a popular topic with a lot of information, so this month we’re splitting this blog into two parts. Check out part two, here.

Why Entry-Level Tech Talent Have a New Advantage

The COVI-19 pandemic turned the job market for tech talent on its head. And the market will never be the same. Since viable candidates in tech have all but dried up, employers have learned a thing or two about the value of their tech talent.

Before the pandemic and the ensuing economic shutdown, entry-level tech talent was often seen as either “green” or “inexperienced.” Many were even undervalued to the extent that some employers were requiring two to three years of experience before candidates would even be considered for entrance-level positions.

Now, employers see entry-level tech talent as a fresh opportunity to build out their tech team unencumbered by past jobs that may have cemented bad habits and inefficient processes from previous training or experience. Entry-level tech talent is now seen as the best opportunity to proactively begin upskilling promising technicians to become the future leaders of their company. 

What will you do with your newfound market clout? Many entry-level tech talent is using their new market advantage to learn more about their prospective employer, the benefits they provide, and the role for which they’re hiring.

Check out this list of questions to get your career in tech started off right! 

“How can you support me in keeping my tech skills current?”

These days, it’s more important than ever to keep your tech skills sharp. And that’s only more true with how rapidly the landscape in tech is changing.

With new software being developed and existing software evolving rapidly, it’s not hard to see why continuous learning is essential. If you don’t challenge yourself to learn and adapt to new technologies, your existing skillset can rapidly age out of the cutting-edge marketplace.

It’s also critical to demonstrate a willingness and eagerness to stay current with the latest technology trends. Your potential employer will want to see that you are ready to learn and adapt. Show them how much you want to be a sponge for new knowledge.

“How can your team accelerate my career growth?”

To get to the root of what makes a job at a specific company right for you, ask about how your career can grow with their company. Additionally, you’ll want to see if the culture fits your personality as well as your skillset.

It’s also important to know how long you will be there and what future opportunities are available for growth and advancement. Especially in tech, visibility into those opportunities is crucial to making a career-defining decision because you are investing in a company for the long term.

“How would you explain Python Programming to someone with limited tech skills?”

By far, Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages for rapid application development. Python’s simple, easy to learn syntax has made it ubiquitous across a variety of industries that need an emphasis on readability and a language that reduces the cost of program maintenance.

If your prospective employer can’t adequately explain Python programming in layman’s terms, or if they don’t know what it is, that would be a huge red flag.

One of the most common issues tech employees face in the workplace is that not many people, especially those in leadership, understand what it is they do. Lack of understanding leads to a lack of value. Lack of being valued can lead to a variety of issues, to name a few: 

  • An inability to advance or grow your career
  • Stagnant pay increases
  • Lack of autonomy

We chose Python programming because of how widely used it is across a variety of industries. But you can decide to ask your interviewer about technology that may be closer to your skill set.

Continue Reading, or Contact WideNet Consulting to Kick Start Your Career in Tech

For more questions that can help you narrow in on the entry-level role in tech that’s best for you, continue reading part two of our blog.

If you’d like to begin your career in tech with a great company, in a work environment that’s best suited for you, contact WideNet Consulting today! Our team is ready and able to help entry-level tech talent kick start their career.