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The Top 10 Software Engineer Skills

Top Software Engineer Skills Blog Graphic showcasing a hand pointing at a code on a computer screen.

Whether you’re a software engineer looking to freshen up your resume or a hiring manager looking for your next great hire – this blog is for you!  We’re breaking down the top software engineer skills and abilities that set a candidate apart from the rest. From computer coding languages to problem-solving, this guide covers it all.   

5 Hard Skills Essential to Software Engineering  

Here are the most in-demand technical software engineer skills employers are looking for in their next hire.  

1) Computer Programming & Coding  

Job descriptions will always list this essential skill since it’s a core component of this profession. It’s typical for employers to look for candidates who can code in multiple languages. It’s best to have a firm grasp of as many coding languages, such as:  

  • SQL  
  • Java  
  • JavaScript  
  • C#  
  • C++  
  • Python  
  • Perl  
  • PHP  

2) Software Development  

While software development may not be the main priority for software engineers, it’s still helpful to have some experience in this area. Many companies expect software engineers to lead software development teams. And having a good foundation of development will help new hires provide their team with direction and guidance on getting the job done.  

3) Object-Oriented Design (OOD)  

This software engineer skill involves planning a system of interacting objects to solve a software problem. OOD includes fundamental principles like abstraction, encapsulation, decomposition, inheritance, and generalization 

4) Data Structure & Algorithm  

Without proficiency in data structure and algorithms, software engineers may be unable to optimize code efficiently. This skill is vital as it’s a key method of organizing data in a virtual system, which is essential for building computer programs.  

5) Testing & Debugging  

Great software engineers should be able to develop a product that runs reliably, is efficient, and is scalable. Testing and debugging ensure that code is running correctly. If it isn’t running correctly, your Engineer should be able to effectively identify and debug those errors.  

5 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking for in a Software Engineer  

Technical expertise isn’t the only skill that employers should be looking for in their software engineers. Here are the most popular soft skills for this field.  

1) Problem-Solving  

Employers expect candidates to know how to effectively solve the problems they encounter. So while technical skills like debugging, testing, and coding are important, soft skills like problem-solving and collaborating with others are invaluable when it comes to helping a team get its jobs done.  

2) Critical Thinking  

Software engineers need to be able to think logically about problems to solve them, so being adept in critical thinking is a must-have skill. Critical thinking is crucial to software engineers because they need to be able to think in a structured way, analyze data, and process a problem while taking into consideration the context of the issue.  

3) Communication  

No matter the job or role, communication skills always come in handy. Companies are looking for professionals who can communicate with their coworkers to ensure a project hits goals, meets expectations, and is completed on time.  

4) Time Management  

Time management is vital for any software engineer, particularly those who may be working remotely or otherwise self-manage their tasks. These professionals need to focus on the most important duties and delegate others to maintain efficiency, even on a hectic project schedule.  

5) Attention to Detail  

In order to ensure that projects are completed on time and with the highest quality, software engineers need a high attention to detail. They also need to identify technical errors and fix them efficiently to avoid delaying a project.  

Looking to Make Connections? WideNet Can Be Your Partner  

WideNet is here to help both employers and tech professionals find the perfect match for their needs. We are a leading talent solutions firm that helps companies complete their projects on time and on budget while helping our candidates further their software engineer skills and careers. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.