There’s no question that remote work has taken the tech world by storm. By now, job seekers and employers have become universally familiar with acronyms like “RTO” and “WFH.” However, the question remains – is remote work merely a temporary reaction to events like the pandemic and the Great Resignation? Or is remote work a full-on movement that will inspire how we hire and retain tech talent for a long time?
This question has sparked a lot of debate in the tech industry—with many employers anxiously anticipating indications of where the WFM movement is headed. With hiring at an all-time high, the question seems even more pressing. We’ll look more closely at the remote work trend, how it affects current and potential tech employees and what’s currently happening in the competitive market for tech talent.
Are there Only Pros/Cons to Remote Work?
You’ve probably heard the many pros and cons of remote work.
Not only does remote work relieve the scheduling burdens and financial costs of a commute, but for many, it also can allow for more creativity and less stress in the workplace. And many would argue that remote work feels more comfortable.
On the flip side, tech work often benefits from collaboration. In-person whiteboard sessions, stand-up meetings, and team lunches or happy hours can yield profitable ideas and foster a sense of camaraderie.
But is remote work better than working on-site, or vice versa? We may never solve the debate. But we’re hearing from tech workers that combining the two is better and should be considered standard in the industry.
Tech Workers Are Pushing Back Against Employers Who Require In-Person Work
A recent Inc. article states that the average worker wants a happy medium between remote and in-person work: “When tech workers are asked about their preferred way of working, hybrid work was the most popular option. Nearly half of respondents (48%) said they prefer hybrid work, compared to 34% who chose full-time in-office and 18% who chose full-time remote.”
It’s important to note that a full 95% reported that some flexibility for occasional remote work is a must-have, and 65% went so far as to say that lack of that flexibility would be a deal breaker.
The last few years have proven that many tech employees can work from anywhere. So they’re pushing back at employers who demand they return to the office. And job seekers aren’t applying for jobs that don’t offer remote options. With this in mind, it seems that what workers are really asking for, even more than a fully remote job, is flexibility.
Workplace morale at Tesla plummeted after an ultimatum to “Show up, [or] we’ll assume that you resigned.” The shock from an influx of returning workers was compounded by overpacked parking lots, lack of available desks, and increased scrutiny of their attendance rather than performance.
Similarly, when Google’s workers were asked to come back to the office, they faced increased health risks that diminished productivity and morale. Both situations demonstrate that it’s not so much the actual return to the office that employees balk at – but the emotional whiplash of doing so suddenly or without reasonable consideration for their needs.
Are Remote Tech Jobs Here to Stay?
We’ve seen an uptick in employees asking for flexibility and even citing it as the most desirable perk when searching for new jobs. Since remote work is one of the major contributors to a flexible schedule, we can confidently say this “trend” is not going anywhere soon.
This proves especially true as workplaces try to recruit top talent in a competitive market. However, also remember that telecommuting options don’t fall into a binary – as plenty of top talent seeks hybrid and even mostly in-person roles.
Contact WideNet Consulting Today
If you are seeking skilled IT staff to bolster your technology systems, contact us at WideNet. If you’re proud of your commitment to flexible work, we’ll highlight your best features to your best candidates.
We have made it our mission to provide the talent you need to ensure the functionality and innovation of your tech team’s needs, and we look forward to working with you!