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Top Five Trends in Application Development for 2023

Application Development for 2023-min

The world of application development has been rapidly evolving with new technologies and emerging ideas, not to mention the swift adoption of mobile technologies. This has made the current climate within the app development industry one of change and demand. As a result, companies without the capacity and talent to meet the coming changes and demands of 2023 will experience a significant drag on their business.

But with the new year ahead of us, we’re in a prime position to prepare for the developing trends with a proactive solution.

As a long-time recruiting agency for the tech and IT space, we’ve identified five application development trends we can expect in 2023. Job seekers and employers alike will want to take note. These trends will create the highest demand for talented app developers in the foreseeable future. Preparing now can situate yourself as a leading provider of application development services in the coming year and beyond.


1) The Need for Hybrid Apps

One of the most notable shifts in modern app development is the increasing need for hybrid apps (a mix of native software and web-based software) to meet customer needs and expectations for mobile browsing.

62% of web traffic comes from mobile devices, and more businesses are embracing hybrid app development to provide an enhanced customer experience. Hybrid app developers will be critical in 2023 for several reasons, primarily for their ability to write code for a mobile app once while still accommodating multiple platforms. And they’ll be vital in helping our mobile apps function with improved access to dynamic online content, regardless of our connection.


2) The Rise of ‘Smart’ Apps

The next step in mobile app evolution is the emergence of ‘smart’ apps, which will process specific functions based on user input and act accordingly. We expect increased demand for smart app development as users want a more personalized experience with their mobile devices.

Businesses will need to hire more smart app developers who can help give more life and nuance to how our devices behave by harnessing the data they collect.


3) The Rise AI in Application Development

One recent article from the NY Times said it best: “We need to talk about how good AI is getting.” AI is not new. But the capabilities of today’s AI—specifically how AI is changing application development—are virtually unrecognizable from the potential of even recent AI software. This means employers and application developers will have a lot of AI in the future.

Many industry watchdogs predict that AI will have one of, if not the fastest-growing compound annual growth rates (CAGR) in tech from 2022 through 2028. That alone should be raising flags through the application development community.

Here’s an idea of how central AI will become in application development: In 2023 alone, AI-driven apps will run the gamut in providing a more personalized shopping experience, fraud prevention, and voice recognition and transcription. Even spam filters and autonomous vehicles will all depend heavily on AI.


4) Low-Code and No-Code Development

One of the biggest problems in application development is speed. The issue is code and lots of it. Our applications need a ton of code to work correctly.

The need for faster application development has created a corresponding need for low-code and no-code development as a way to decrease the time it takes to develop applications.

Low code means what you think it does: The application needs less code, which saves time and gives businesses more flexibility because less code has to be maintained. The no-code method of application development uses data, such as photos or video, and algorithms—rather than programming code—to develop apps. This will also make our applications more secure, which, as you’ll see below, will be another top trend for 2023.


5) Malware-Proof Applications

One of the biggest trends in application development for 2023 is an increased concern for security. One report projects spending on cybersecurity to grow to over $260B by 2026! Businesses must prioritize malware in app development or risk falling behind the curve.

One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is to stop writing code that is both tedious and full of security holes and automate app development using no code or low-code methods.

App developers who can develop secure apps will become the security stopgap in preventing the theft of users’ data, intellectual property and even finances. And they may be the most valuable team member in maintaining a company’s reputation by helping to avoid a devastating security breach.

Spending on cybersecurity is expected to grow to over $260B by 2026


The Proactive Solution: Recruiting Application Developers

Change and demand. That is the landscape for application development in 2023. Will your business be able to provide the capacity and service to meet the moment? And for job seekers who want to become the most in-demand talent in the industry, these are the roles that can get you there.

Your most proactive solution for becoming an industry-leading business or candidate is to work with WideNet Consulting. We are a premier partner in recruiting application developers. To learn more about how we can position your company or job search for success in 2023, contact us today.