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6 Benefits of Hiring Veterans and Why It’s Important

6 Benefits of Hiring Veterans and Why It's Important

When seeking out your next new hire, are you looking for someone hard-working, motivated, and reliable? Then, hiring a U.S. veteran may be the perfect fit! Veterans are team players ready to learn, work, and succeed in their next career path. There are many benefits to hiring veterans, and in this article, we will educate companies on the benefits and importance of hiring veterans for civilian jobs. 

The 6 Benefits of Hiring Veterans

1 – Veterans Have an Accelerated Learning Curve

Veterans have demonstrated their capacity to pick up new skills and concepts. Furthermore, they can enter your workforce with recognizable and transferrable talents applicable to real-world circumstances. This background might help your company become more productive and adaptable.

2 – Veterans Are Advocates for Diversity and Inclusion

Veterans have learned to work alongside people of many races, genders, ethnic backgrounds, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. In addition, they also have worked with individuals with different mental, physical, and psychological abilities. Veterans have the sensitivity to work with people of various personalities—making them great additions to any team.

3 – Veterans Are Trained Leaders

Veterans are a great fit to develop in-house talent and employ actual leadership prospects. The military teaches service members to lead by example and by instruction, delegation, encouragement, and inspiration. Even in the most challenging conditions, veterans understand how to regulate teams for maximum results. They know leadership dynamics in both managerial and peer settings.

4 – Veteran Have a Diverse and Transferrable Skill Set

Veterans can transfer almost every skill they learn over to civilian jobs. Skills that the military instills in service members are often critical capabilities companies seek out in employees. These skill sets include:

  • Effective communication
  • Integrity 
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • High performance under pressure

5 – Veterans Are Team Players

Not only are veterans trained leaders, but they are team players. When seeking out top talent, one of the most challenging traits to find in candidates is being a team player. For example, someone may have all the experience and skill sets needed for the job, but they cannot perform well in a team environment, damaging a company’s productivity. 

The military requires service members to learn how to work with diverse personalities and succeed as a team. Veterans know when to take the initiative and when to take the backseat for the group’s betterment. Being a team player is vital to any company’s success.

6 – Veterans Have a Great Work Ethic

Slacking off isn’t an option in the military – they train service members to complete tasks to perfection. As a result, work ethic often carries over into a veteran’s civilian life. Veterans typically understand the importance of hard work and value putting in the extra effort.

The Importance of Hiring Veterans

Hiring veterans for open roles isn’t only about finding a great employee with high potential to thrive in your business. It’s also about honoring those who have sacrificed so much for the citizens of the United States. According to the federal Veterans Employment Initiative, Executive Order 13518, “Veterans have served and sacrificed in defense of our Nation. When they complete their service, we must do everything in our power to assist them in re-entering civilian life and finding employment. Government, as well as private employers, should play a prominent role in helping veterans who may be struggling to find jobs.”

If you are seeking your next top talent, consider hiring a veteran. At WideNet Consulting, our team of recruiters is here to help you locate the perfect fit for your company. Contact WideNet Consulting today to learn more about how we can place a highly qualified veteran on your team.